Chromatography Delivered.

Looking for assistance on a separation challenge? Not quite sure which absorbent to use for your purification? Need help with a method? Ask us. Your chromatography inquiries are our specialty, and your quest for clarity starts right here.

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Introducing Resolv-Rf™ Silica Gel Hard Layer (HL) TLC Plates

  • Suitable for all common separations
  • Excellent hardness and abrasion resistance
  • Can easily be labeled with a lead pencil for clear identification
  • High abrasion resistance prevents undesired changes or damage to the layer during transportation or handling
  • Dust-free plate allows handling convenience and avoids TLC chamber cross-contamination
  • Offered with or without UV254 indicator.
  • Silica 60, mean pore size 60 Å, specific surface area (BET) ~ 500

Running a university stockroom for your lab? Find out about special pricing offers for NAOSMM members!

Product Innovations

Flash Silica Gel
Four performance grades

You choose the performance required to meet the balanced need between resolution and cost.
Learn more.

Flash Silica Columns
Superior Loading and Recovery

Purity Flash Cartridges feature tighter particle size distributions and Ultra High Purity silica ( >99.99% SiO
2). Learn more.

TLC Plates
Rediscover the Power

Thin layer chromatography (TLC) may be one of the most undervalued methods of chromatographic analysis
Learn more.

automated flash chromatography improvements

Santai SepaBean™ 
Automated Flash System

Sorbtech provides a flash chromatography system that simplifies the method development process.
Learn more.

Using TLC? Get our Handbook📓 of 100 years of TLC Knowledge

Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, the new Sorbtech Thin-Layer Chromatography Handbook will be an important resource for your lab. Discover valuable information on theory, practical and advanced techniques, sample loading, plate conditioning, staining, use of TLC for flash chromatography applications, and much more.

For over 23 years Sorbent Technologies has assisted separation scientists and academic researchers with method development and optimization for isolation, identification, and purification chromatography including Thin Layer Chromatography, Flash Chromatography, HPLC, and Process Chromatography. This new handbook captures the vast experience and expertise of their entire knowledge base for TLC and puts it into your hands.

Sorbtech Open-Access Application Database | Better than a web search

4000+ Application Development Methods


It’s a cookbook for the separation scientist
Free open-access database of applications where you can search by keyword, substance, application, or by Sorbtech catalog number, all in one place.